Data Cleaning And Exploratory Data Analysis Of A Fuzzy Dataset

2 minute read

The goal of this data analysis is to cleanup a fuzzy dataset full of duplicates rows, and afterwards to carry out an exploratory analysis of the cleaned data. The dataset is a 20000 rows COVID-19 PCR test results. The analysis is in French.

1. Data Quality Assessment

The Jupyter notebook below covers the evaluation of data quality, and the available options to fix the duplicate rows issue.

Data Quality Assessment Notebook

2. function

The implementation of the function below, detects duplicates from an imput dataframe, remove them and return the cleaned dataframe.

# detect_duplicates function to dectect duplicates rows and remove them in a Pandas dataframe
# Author: Jose Lise
# September 2020

import pandas as pd
import recordlinkage

def detect_duplicates (df_in):
    Function used to detected and drop duplicates due to fuzzy data (e.g. due to typos) in a df_patient dataframe.
    df_in : Dataframe
        df_patient dataframe to clean from duplicates 
        We assume that the input dataframe has the following columns: 
        given_name, surname, street_number, address_1, suburb, postcode, state, date_of_birth, age, phone_number, address_2
    df : Dataframe
        The clean df_patient dataframe with the duplicates rows removed 

    # Copy the the input Dataframe
    df = df_in.copy()

    # Indexation step
    # The index is built from some columns to make possible pairs of duplicates
    # We choose the columns: 
    #   - address_1: because it has potentially the more characters 
    #   - phone_number: it has only digits 
    #   - surname
    dupe_indexer = recordlinkage.Index()
    dupe_indexer.sortedneighbourhood(left_on='address_1', window=3)
    dupe_indexer.sortedneighbourhood(left_on='phone_number', window=3)
    dupe_indexer.sortedneighbourhood(left_on='surname', window=3)
    dupe_candidate_links = dupe_indexer.index(df) 
    # Comparison step
    compare_dupes = recordlinkage.Compare()
    # We added below all the columns that we want to compare for duplicates (all of them except patient_id)
    compare_dupes.string('given_name', 'given_name', method='jarowinkler', threshold=0.85, label='given_name')
    compare_dupes.string('surname', 'surname', method='jarowinkler', threshold=0.85, label='surname')
    compare_dupes.exact('street_number', 'street_number', label='street_number')
    compare_dupes.string('address_1', 'address_1', threshold=0.85, label='address_1')
    compare_dupes.string('suburb', 'suburb', threshold=0.85, label='suburb')
    compare_dupes.exact('postcode', 'postcode', label='postcode')
    compare_dupes.exact('state', 'state', label='state')
    compare_dupes.exact('date_of_birth', 'date_of_birth', label='date_of_birth')
    compare_dupes.exact('age', 'age', label='age')
    compare_dupes.string('phone_number', 'phone_number', threshold=0.85, label='phone_number')
    compare_dupes.exact('address_2', 'address_2', label='address_2')
    dupes_features = compare_dupes.compute(dupe_candidate_links, df)
    # dupes_features is a dataframe with 2 row index that represent a pair of row (row 1, row2), 
    # and the same number of column as df. each value is a score 0. or 1. 
    # 0 for one column means the row1 and row2 values for this column are not duplicates
    # 1 means duplicates    
    # We setup the threshold score for the potential dupes rows at 5.0: If 5 or more columns values are duplicates then full row is duplicate 
    # Items with score > 4 are duplicates
    # potential_dupes contains all the row pairs above the threshold plus and additional score column
    potential_dupes = dupes_features[dupes_features.sum(axis=1) > 4].reset_index()
    potential_dupes['Score'] = potential_dupes.loc[:, 'given_name':'address_2'].sum(axis=1)
    # As we ran reset_index() potential_dupes df has now additionnal columns level_0 and level_1 
    # Level_1 column contains the index of the duplicates to 
    # remove. We do that with the instruction below.     
    df = df.drop(axis=0, index=potential_dupes['level_1']).reset_index(drop=True)
    # compute percentage, then print percentage and number of rows removed
    print ("Percentage of duplicate rows: ", 100 * (len(df_in) - len(df))/len(df_in))
    print ("Number of rows removed: ", len(df_in) - len(df))
    return df

2. Exploratory Data Analysis

Exploratory Data Analysis Notebook