Deep Learning Lab 1: Pytorch tensors tutorial

1 minute read

Deep Learning Lab 1

This lab covers is basically a pyTorch tensors tutorial. At the end a simple linear regression model is presented. In details the following topics are covered:

  • PyTorch Tensor basics
  • Broadcasting
  • Linear regression

Linear regression

The sample in the Jupyter notebook present the linear model below:
\(y = x w + b\)

  • y: a vector of 30 rows
  • x: a matrix of dimension (30,2)
  • b: a constant. But in the formula above we can see it as b * vector of 1 of dimension 30 using broadcasting

Let’s call y the real solution and \(\hat y\) the predicted value.
The loss function is \(L(w_s, b_s) = \|y - \hat y\|^2 = \displaystyle\sum_{k=1}^{30} (y_k - \hat y_k)^2\)

And we have to minimize the loss function L to find the solution.

\(\hat y = x w_s + b_s\)
\(\hat y_k = x_{k,1} w_{s1} + x_{k,2} w_{s2}\)

The loss function gradient is given by:

  • \[\nabla _{w_s}L(w,b) = \begin{bmatrix} \displaystyle\sum_{k=1}^{30} -2 x_{k,1} (y_k - \hat y_k) \\ \displaystyle\sum_{k=1}^{30} -2 x_{k,2} (y_k - \hat y_k) \end{bmatrix} = -2x^T (y - \hat y)\]
  • \[\nabla _{b_s}L(w,b) = \begin{bmatrix} \displaystyle\sum_{k=1}^{30} -2 (y_k - \hat y_k) \\ \displaystyle\sum_{k=1}^{30} -2 (y_k - \hat y_k) \end{bmatrix}\]

The gradient based algorithm to compute \(w_s\) and \(b_s\) at each iteration is:

  • \[w_s^{j+1} = w_s^j - \eta \nabla _{w_s}L(w_s^j,b_s^j)\]
  • \[b_s^{j+1} = b_s^j - \eta \nabla _{b_s}L(w_s^j,b_s^j)\]

With \(\eta\) the learning rate parameter.

Here is the link to access the notebook on Google colab. It doesn’t work directly on github.